Sindi Karaj

Freelance graphic/editorial designer and art director born in Albania and raised in Italy working in the fields of culture, photography, contemporary art and publishing.

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Racconti di una stagione

Curated by Giangavino Pazzola with Giulia Adami 
Promoted by EARTH Foundation

Bruno Munari.
La leggerezza dell’arte

Curated by Alberto Salvadori and Luca Zaffarano
Promoted by EARTH Foundation

Newsha Tavakolian.
And They Laughed At Me

Curated by Denis Curti
Promoted by EARTH Foundation 
In partnership with Deloitte Photo Grant 

Antonello Ghezzi.
I am with you, I have always been with you, don’t be afraid.

Curated by Adiacenze 
A project by Fondazione Rocca dei Bentivoglio

Il movimento delle cose

Curated by Flaminio Gualdoni 
Gallery: Frittelli arte contemporanea

Understanding the change

Research project on contemporary photography
A project by Ashtart Creative and SiZ Printing


Pino Pascali.
Disegnare una fotografia

Curated by Roberto Lacarbonara
Gallery: Frittelli arte contemporanea

Corti, Chiese e Cortili

Contemporary Music Festival 
A project by Fondazione Rocca dei Bentivoglio

Premio EARTH
(Second edition)

Curated by Giulia Adami 
An award promoted by EARTH Foundation

Notes on the future of the Earth

Curated by Jessica Bianchera and Marta Ferretti
A project by Fondazione Cariverona with ArtVerona, Urbs Picta and UniCredit

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