Sindi Karaj

Freelance graphic/editorial designer and art director born in Albania and raised in Italy working in the fields of culture, photography, contemporary art and publishing.

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Lorenzo Vitturi
Borgo Roma. Paesaggio in Transizione

Visual assets and book design of the exhibition "Lorenzo Vitturi | Borgo Roma. Paesaggio in Transizione" curated by Giangavino Pazzola

Beginning with an observation of the Borgo Roma neighborhood, an urban area where the iconic architecture of the Specialized Refrigeration Station “La Rotonda,” now home to the foundation's exhibition space, is located, Vitturi generated a poetic mapping of physical places and social relations that mark the area's past and present history.
Curated by Giangavino Pazzola, associate curator and head of research projects at CAMERA Centro Italiano per la Fotografia in Turin, in collaboration with Giulia Adami, curatorial project manager at EARTH Foundation, the exhibition includes more than thirty medium- and large-format color photographs and installations that depict not only the materials and commodities that symbolize the area's multiple economic and production phases, but also the evidence that traces its social and cultural lifestyles.

Borgo Roma. Landscape in Transition is an art project that not only reasons about the excellences and innovations of local production but also, and more generally, about the urban transformations brought about by the migratory movements of goods and people in contemporary cities. The privileged point of observation is the Borgo Roma neighborhood, the beating heart of postwar industrial Verona, now converted into a commercial and cultural hub.

Landscape in Transition takes shape from a long exploratory phase conducted directly in the field by the artist, with the support of anthropologist Caterina Borelli. After several visits made during the winter months, during the spring and summer of 2024, Vitturi moved his studio inside EARTH Foundation and, through the collection of testimonies of the communities that animated and still inhabit the places, conducted a study of the geographical area from a historical perspective. Taking the neighborhood as a starting point, therefore, the artist elaborated the works on site, articulating a narrative that touches on universal themes and allows us to trace similarities and assonances in all the cities of the world, highlighting the potential, complexity and limits of urban transformation processes.

The project is supported by Strategia Fotografia 2023, promoted by the General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture.

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