Sindi Karaj

Freelance graphic/editorial designer and art director born in Albania and raised in Italy working in the fields of culture, photography, contemporary art and publishing.

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Bruno Munari.
La leggerezza dell’arte

Visual asset and catalogue design of the exhibition "Bruno Munari. The Lightness of art" curated by Alberto Salvadori and Luca Zaffarano for EARTH Foundation, Verona.

The exhibition traces the milestones of the career of Bruno Munari, an artist who spanned the entire twentieth century, and provides a clear reading of the creative processes underlying Munari's poetics and spectacular and playful forms.
The exhibition is organized into thematic sections devoted to some of the areas of investigation that have characterized Bruno Munari's work from the very first works: the study of the dynamism of a Futurist-inspired form; the balance between rule and chance of Dadaist inspiration; the ambiguous perception of shapes and colors experimented in various contexts; the conception of an inexpensive and transportable sculptural form; the hybrid production, between art and design, of objects with an aesthetic function; and the fundamental work in publishing and graphics.

The catalog, published by E.ART.H. Edizioni on the occasion of the exhibition, follows the exhibition itinerary and explores its contents with previously unpublished texts. 

Texts by: 
Pierpaolo Antonello
Nicola Lucchi
Maria Antonella Pelizzari
Alberto Salvadori
Jeffrey Schnapp
Silvana Sperati
Luca Zaffarano
Printed by:
SiZ Industria Grafica

Installation views: 
Flavio Pescatori
© Bruno Munari. 
Maurizio Corraini s.r.l.

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